Thursday, August 18, 2011


With the hustle and bustle of the first few days of school we have been trying to get all the kids schedules in order as well as school supplies. We are in MAJOR need of extra black and white composition books. Some students were not able to get all their supplies for school. In an effort to support these kids if you are willing to donate any extra composition books please send them in with your child.
Also, those students who will now have Mrs. Causey for homeroom will start reporting to her tomorrow. If you have any questions please let me know.
Also, this week we (the 4th grade team) were “light” on the homework. Now that all schedules and materials have been handed out please expect more homework next week. If your child has me I will also be sending home more information on how homework is utilized in my room.

Thanks for you continued support!

1 comment:

J Howley said...

Mr Burns - I am happy to donate some composition notebooks to the class. I will send them in next week with Nicholas.