Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dear 4th grade parents,
I can't believe how fast October is flying by. 4th grade Mad About Math will be here on Monday, October 31st from 12 - 2pm. We will be doing a math scavenger hunt where the children will solve math problems to lead them to different parts of the school. As they solve clues they will receive prizes and candy. The scavenger hunt will finish up with a snack of juice and cookies. As always, we will need parent donations sent in by Friday, October 29th. Here is what we need according to homeroom class.If your child is in Ms. Bilyeau's home room: Please send in either bags of individually wrapped fun sized candy or prizes (spider rings, rubber bracelets, Halloween erasers or pencils, bouncy balls, eraser tops etc.)If your child is in Mr. Burns' homeroom:If your last name begins with A-J, please send in a package of Halloween Cookies - Halloween Bakery Cookies, Halloween Oreos, Halloween Chips A Hoy etc. (If you are a Costco member, you can find them there.)If you last name begins with K-Z, please send in 1-2 boxes of Caprisun fruit punch.If you child is in Ms. Causey's homeroom: Please send in Halloween stickers or foam shapes for students to decorate their bags. The 4th grade room moms will be providing bags for the students to collect their prizes & candy. If possible, please be sensitive to the fact we have students with nut allergies when making your purchases.We also need 7 volunteers (or more) to help with the students. Please e-mail me directly if you can volunteer.
Thank you so much. This should be a fun event!
Cheryl Barlow, Linda Trickey, Betty Klein, and Tobi Moore
4th grade room parents

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